Must Haves are images and video shots that we know our customers enjoy. They are required to be captured by Shoot Producers in Solo shoots made at Level 0, 1, 2 and 3 (but not Level 4). See the Must Haves training resources, and practical examples of each Must Have in Fetish Finder.
Because they are important to customers, they are important to us. We closely assess Shoot Producers on capturing Must Have shots correctly. Post Producers track Shoot Producers’ Must Have capture in PPCMS on a per-shoot basis, and this data is visible to Shoot Producers.

The percentage of Must Haves shot is what appears in Shoot Review reports, and what affects a Shoot Producer’s Level. The percentage is calculated as a simple formula. First, we ascertain the Number of Must Haves In Scope for this shoot;
(Total number of Must Haves) - (Number of applicable Must Haves for this shoot) = Number of Must Haves In Scope
For example, a shoot of a model posing to the Nude Only Posing Level does not require the Open leg Must Haves. A shoot where a model does not wear a bra does not require the “Both breasts in bra” CU Must Have shot.
Then we calculate the Percentage of Must Haves shot;
(Number of Must have shots captured to the requirements) / (Number of Must Haves In Scope) = Percentage of Must Haves shot
For example, consider in the shoot shown in the above screenshot.
The model posed at the Nude Only Posing Level, so only 12 Must Have shots are expected for Stills. If they were all shot and included in the final edit, the Shoot Producer would be assessed as getting 100% of the Must Have shots.
But in fact, the Shoot Producer made a mistake on one of the Must Haves (“Bum in underwear”) – they shot it “too close” (the shot should include the top of the panties the model is wearing, and some of her waist – see the actual shot below). A fine picture perhaps, but does not meet the requirements of this Must Have. The raw image number is referenced, so the Shoot Producer can review their work and consider improvements.
So, 12 Must Haves were expected, but only 11 were shot to the necessary standards. To convert that to a percentage, 11/12 = 91.6%. We always round up, so the final percentage of Must Haves shot is 92% for the Stills component of this shoot.
Note that when a PPCMS record is created (by the SP, when Shoot Starter in Homonoia is used), it is assumed 100% of Must Haves were shot, and the PPCMS interface will show this. This is only updated when the Video and Stills editors have done their work on the shoot – that is, the Progress state (top right corner of the PPCMS page) is set to “Waiting for upload to live server” or later. Shoot Producers are notified via the PPCMS when this state is reached.
On Level 3, Must Haves are averaged out between Stills and Video.