What are the complexities with giving models feedback?

When you need to give feedback as part of your job – that is, do it consciously and with tact – it can be difficult to do well. Some models feel vulnerable when appearing nude (models often refer to modelling as being a “rush”, and embracing this vulnerability is part of that rush).

Our company policy is:

Everyone should feel good about sharing their sexuality with us.

Shoot producers can help models feel good on shoots by delivering feedback… but consider some of the complexities;

  • How frequently should feedback be given to models?
  • What should the balance between positive and negative feedback be?
  • What should the balance be between generic and specific?
  • Should feedback be based on physical attributes, or accomplishments?
  • How “effusive” should the feedback be?
  • How “personal” should the feedback be?
  • How does this differ by the person giving and receiving the feedback?

While giving appropriate feedback comes naturally to some Shoot Producers, for others it needs to be carefully considered so models feel comfortable working with Shoot Producers.

The FAQ’s in this section addresses each of these questions.