The terms “location” and “setting” have distinctly different meanings in the context of shoots.
The Location is the address the shoot is occurring at – typically a domestic home. It would include the street number and the apartment number. If it was an outside location, it would be the name of the park, or the nearest cross-road (for example, “bushland near the corner of Route 43 and Menzies Lane”.)
The setting is the room or area in which the model will appear. Some examples include;
- The south and west areas of the lounge room
- All aspects of the master bedroom
- Lush forest with a mossy log and a stream nearby
- Open field of corn 24” / 60cm high
Set dressing
Set dressing means making the setting look more suitable for an shoot. Some examples might include:
- Swapping out the beige towels in the bathroom for blue towels
- Adding a fabric cover to a sofa
- Moving colourful knick knacks from other rooms to appear in the background of this shoot
- Removing dead branches from an outside setting
Multiple settings are encouraged – perhaps most of the shoot will be in the bedroom, but a scene of the model walking up and down the hallway and brushing her hair in the bathroom mirror and getting a glass of water from the kitchen add a lot of value.