When should I contact a model’s next of kin?

We record each model’s “next of kin” when they start working with us, and models are asked to review this data before each shoot. 

In the 22+ year history of the company, we have never needed to use this information (the closest we came was when scouting for locations for the River girls shoot, a Model Liaison (former model Cass) got stung on the ankle by a fucking sting ray! The pain was extreme 🤬, but we got her to hospital and they took good care of her – she was home for dinner.

Anyway, it’s appropriate to contact the model’s kin if;

  • The model asks you to;
  • If the model is unconscious or is in a serious accident

There are also some other scenarios that we explain to models that are unlikely for a Shoot Producer to encounter.

If the model asks you to

If the model asks you to call their next of kin – perhaps they are experiencing some kinda of personal crisis? – it’s always appropriate to do so.

If the model is unconscious, in a serious accident, of having a severe mental health crisis

The priority is the model’s health, of course, so calling an ambulance should always be the first thing to do, and caring for the model until the ambulance arrives.

In a lull, consider what the message should be to the next of kin – the facts, the current situation, what’s expected to happen in the next few hours, a commitment to keep them informed. 

Call the model’s primary next of kin. If the Primary is not responsive, leave a voice message like;

Hi, this is John Jones, Jane Smith listed you as her next of kin. Please call me back on +31 6 1529 8159 as soon as you get this message, it’s quite important.  

Try the Secondary if the Primary cannot be contacted. When you connect with a person, work hard to remain calm and speak slowly  – they are relying on you, and will be scared when hearing your news. An example report to them might be;

Hey, is that Bob? Hi, this is John, Jane Smith listed you as her next of kin. 

I was working with her on a photo shoot today when she had a fit and collapsed. She was breathing and had a pulse, but she was not conscious. I put her in the recovery position and called an ambulance, they arrived in 10 minutes and just left. They have taken her to the Westmead hospital – I am on my way there now. The Ambulance officers are concerned, but not alarmed.

I’ll call you in an hour or so, or as soon as I know more.

Note, there’s no need to mention the nature of the work (nude / adult / porn) as that’s unlikely to be relevant and may cause problems for the model. 

The Shoot Producer is expected to stay with the model for the first few hours in hospital, until their next of kin can arrive (if they live in the same city), or a plan is formed with The Collective. The company will reimburse the Shoot Producer for any costs they incur.

Once the next of kin has been notified, notify The Collective with the facts directly after (more info on when to contact The Collective).